
Professional Wood Chopper ;)

As I begin to get settled in here in beautiful, I can't forget how I decided to join this organization. It blows my mind away that I didn't even plan on this six months ago! God is GREAT and Faithful.
My first full day was fun. It was Susie's 18th birthday and so we made a big breakfast. Many people came to wish her blessings at breakfast at the Keatings.
In the afternoon we went to the Rocky Neck National Park aka the beach! My favorite place to go :) The sand was so soft, the weather was amazing, but the water was freezing. After spending four hours at the beach we all went home for "home groups." Since the season finale of American Idol was on, we didn't have bible study. I enjoyed meeting women from the church. I'm excited to get to know them better. Yesterday was a semi-normal day. We all met at the office at 9am for devotions, a lesson on a country, prayer for that country and whatever else needs prayer, and projects for the rest of the day. I found out that Sonya and I are in charge of writing chapel sermons for Camp Gilead this year. Um... HELP! Not only that, but we have to create fun activities within the sermon and ideas for the Missions Class. After working for a little bit the server went down and we couldn't get it back up. We went back to Yurihn's house for lunch and watched the camp video.
Ok so now for the fun part... guess what I spent the rest of my day doing. You guessed it, Wood Chopping! Yes I took an ax and chopped wood. I was ok at it; Vanne was the best out of us four girls (Susie, Vanne, Vanessa, and I plus three guys Chris, Jordan and Jr.) We also tore down a shed... That took a while and a few truck pulls before it was finished. That shed was built very well. The reason we were doing all of this work is because a man Bob from our church is paying us money to go towards our trip to Mexico. There are a total of 14 people going, mostly Jr. High kids.
Today we will be working on camp stuff again.

Prayer Requests:
-A creative mind for designing camp chapel services and the missions class
-Continued prayer in financial support
-Discipline with my Lord
-Getting back into the Spanish speaking groove

Three things I'm thankful for:
-Meeting people from Hillside
-Continued increase of health
-Patience from Vanne and Vanessa in helping me with my Spanish


Rachelle said...

do some activity where they have to do something that another culture does. i do it almost everyday and it's crazy.

Rachelle said...

countries? well we have west africans and north africans. so you could just talk to missionaries and ask them what they do... talk about different food... drinks... dance.. music you know... you should really consider teaching some of the kids about islam so they dont get the wrong idea about it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.