
Be Strong and Courageous

Adjusting to a new place can be difficult. For me it has been hard. The language barrier probably is the biggest obstolcal. I get so frustrated with myself, when I can't remember all the vocabulary and I live with native Spanish speakers! I love the people here to death but I can just get so bogged down.
Plus my apartment was supposed to be ready on the June 1st but now it won't be until the 9th, so I'm still living out of my suitcase.
I decided to do my personal reading out of Joshua. The first chapter keeps repeating the phrase "be strong and courageous". That phrase is truely a God send. During this time, I need to be strong in God and courageous in whatever is set before me.

Since I have blogged a lot has happened. I went to Massachusetts to the Yankee Candle Co. and the Butterfly Museum on Sunday with a woman I met at church. Iris brought her cute little duaghter Isabel. Monday, Memorial Day, all the interns went to Kris's mom and step-dad's home for an all day BBQ. Very relaxing and fun. Tuesday and Wednesday we worked all day at the office. Sonya, the new intern, came on Wed. night along with John the missionary from China. Kris and Bob had to stay overnight in Chicago due to weather so they did not get back until Thursday morning.

John is really cool. He does missions work in China. All day Thursday, he taught us about Chronological Story Telling. This method uses reaching people by telling sotries, starting from creation all the way up to Jesus. 2/3 of the world prefer oral communication verses written. I hope that someday I can experience this kind of ministry. Friday we spent the day learning about China and John's ministry there.
If you have never watched Ee-taow watch it now. Every Christ follow should watch this!
It's just a small segment cause I couldn't get the other to work but go to brianturner.org to watch the whole 20min video. So amazing!

Well, I am going to go get ready for church. This week we will be working on camp and class time will be on "missions in the church." Thanks for all of your prayers! Miss you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.