
Missions vs Evangelism

Have you ever stopped to ponder the difference between missions and evangelism? Today I was introduced to a new view I have never heard. Evangelism is witnessing to unbelievers who are "like" you. So lets say I share the gospel with my co-workers or peers at school--> that would make me an evangelist. However, missions is when you minister to unbelievers who are "not like" you. So going to Mexico to spread the gospel would be missions.

My question is then, "What does missions mean?"

I got into an interesting discussion with other interns in the office. This week we are learning about Missions in the Church. We had to read the five purposes of your life within Rick Warren's best-seller Purpose Driver Life. The last purpose is missions. In Rick's terms it was said "You are called to a mission". When you think of missions, what do you think of first? Most I think would say that missions is reaching out globally, to preach the gospel... something to that effect. My argument would be missions can be any where. Why restrict missions as an overseas, drop everything, and raise support deal? I believe you can be a missionary in your home town. What if I was a CEO of some Fortune 500 Company and spent a lot in the office? I could make a "global impact" by donating funds to an organization. With every church that gets built, school setup or individual missionaries living abroad, finances are needed. Am I a missionary for God in a sense? I would say yes. More importantly, if we are all "called to a mission" can't my mission be the corporate world. Business people need to hear the word of God. In retrospect, I could start up a Kingdom Company, that makes global impact yet has a business core. God has put a desire in my heart to reach out into the corporate world. I pray that God will use me to further his kingdom through business. If a company is built on solid, ethical standards and morals and incorporates a Christ like environment, could you just imagine the impact. Some of the most influential and powerful people are business men and women. Someday I pray God can use me in this way. Missions doesn't have to be restricted. God allows us to reach unbelievers who are unlike ourselves, in ways we couldn't even imagine. Operation Christmas Child, adopt a child, donate shoes for kids in Jamaica, money to build a home for a family in Mexico, missions opportunities are all around us. What is your mission?

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

France!!! haha no i don't know that it will last longer than this summer, but you know i've been praying a lot about rotc and i am not sure if i don't want to do it or if god is telling me not to...pray for me in that.