
I need REST!

SO tired! I can't even start to express my exhaustion.

Tuesday was fun! I got to wash my puppies (well one is small but the other is a beast!). I love washing them; the way their coats feel and smell brings back good memories.
My step-dad Greg and I went downtown to see the Body Works exhibit of Plasticized human bodies. Very neat- anyone who loves biology, museums or weird things in general should take the time to see it.
Oh, then I got to go to my last TNL experience for awhile. The band played the song 40 by U2. While I was singing the song, I had a conversation with God.
The lyrics go like this:
I waited patiently for the Lord He inclined and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit. Out of the miry clay. I will sing, sing a new song. I will sing, sing a new song. How long to sing this song? How long to sing this song? How long...how long...how long...How long...to sing this song?

God(to me): Sing a new song
Stacey(me): How long my Lord?
God: As long as I call you.
Stacey: But how long must I sing.
God: My child, just sing and find joy in Me.

Going to Connecticut will require a new song. What kind of song? Well it depends on the season (Ecclesiastes 3) which won’t be revealed for a while. However I think it will be a song of the present. Being joyful for the 24 hours of today; nothing more, nothing less. I know I need to be present on what is at hand. I tend to think ahead way too much. God help me “be present.”

Mute Math was pretty much AMAZING! Loved it! Thanks Bennett for bugging me enough to go. The drummer is sick! He is so crazy he has to tape his head phone to his head. Afterwards, the gang and I walked down SCARY Colfax to Pete’s CafĂ© (I don’t recommend sitting on the porch if you are allergic to cig smoke).

I didn’t get home till almost 2am so least to say I was late for my 11am teeth cleaning. I bought stationary and stamps at Michael’s where my sis works. That evening my best friend/mentor Desera and I made cards for people and chatted. I am really going to miss her!

Well I need to pack and then I am having dinner and chilling with Rachel Love.

Three things God has blessed me with today:

  • A brand new hair-do (it’s short but cute!)
  • I got to visit my sister Steph at her apt. and see her kitties
  • Getting to hang with Rachel

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