
Tribute to my Postman

This is a tribute to my amazing postman! He never ceases to bring my mail between the hours of 12 to 1pm everyday (except for Sundays). Each day he walks up to our door, in his official uniform. No matter what temperature it is, he has on his shorts (yes even in snowy, cold days), button-up blue collared shirt, white Safari hat (why he wears this is beyond my understanding. Perhaps he is planning to shoot a Zebra during his route), knee high white socks, lace up boots below the knee, and his messanger bag. Plus this guy is about 60 or so... in shorts in the dead of winter... I know he will never get to read this blog, but postman "Props to You!" Thanks for delivering my mail in a timely matter and in great fashion(no pun intended). In fact when I get packages he will ring my door bell and give me my mail in person. If you haven't thanked your local postmaster, take the time today and wrtie him a thank you note. Or perhaps give him a cold water bottle on a hot day. Maybe even a gift card during the Christmas season.

1 comment:

Gibbytron said...

That. Is awesome. :)