
Fly Fishing-- Fish Charming Here I Come

So I got to go fly fishing for the first time yesterday. All I can say is A-Mazing! I think if I could become a professional fly fisher I would. One because its just the coolest past-time ever. Two cause I get to wear adorable waiders and boots. Lastly, cause frankly I'm good at it. 10 and 2, 10 and 2. Yes I know what a leader is and how to put it on.
Kelly and I had a blast. After fishing on the Poudre we decided to cross the raging rapids to the other side and mountain climb to a beautiful rock pile. Then after collecting some neat rocks we crossed the river again and went back to the car cause I needed to get to work. As we were driving back through the canyon, we saw Ray's car so we stopped and walked down the river to find him and his dog Venus (such a cool dog name) but he was really far down so we turned back so I can get to work on time. When we got back to the car, we saw Ray and Venus walking back so we said hi and then went to La Luz for nurishment. Then I went to work which I ended up being 25 mins late anyways. Punctuality is way overrated! ;)

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