
"Ruffing It"- For Real

So my director and I were talking last week about our traveling plans. It seems that whenever we "travel" we live like the people in that place do. Therefore, I will be sleeping on dirt floors, possibly getting a shower every once in a while, and did I mention for a two to three week stay I only, yes ONLY, get to bring a carry on bag. This bag needs to contain a sleeping bag too. Rumor has it that there are sleeping bags out there that shrink to the size of a football. This week I will be window shopping at some great stores like REI and then ebay whatever I like (poor college student, it needs to be cheap). Any recomendations out there?

So far Hillside has two trips planned out. As I said earlier, we will be going to Mexico the first two weeks of July and now hopefully China the end of August/beginning of September. Pray for safety in these trips and finances to go.

Support letters are on the move... well most of them. I have a HUGE Business Law Exam tomorrow night so, that is kinda a priority today and tomorrow morning.

Love you all,

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