

Yes, I have a severe addiction that must be treated immediately. It’s the newest addiction out there. After one trial, I was hooked. I have to wait until my morning class to get my fix. Spending about 20 minutes a day doesn't seem to quench my thirst. So instead, I shell out a few extra dollars and buy the hard core stuff that keeps my mind twisted up for hours.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I have fallen into the Sudoku craze. Every morning I grab my local paper and complete the puzzle at ease. It's just not enough and I have to get the hard stuff; the books with up to five stars and a diagonal addition. When will the madness end?
Yeah, I could get addicted to chocolate, baseball, or “Grey's Anatomy” but Sudoku has caught my soft spot.
What things are you addicted to?


Gibbytron said...

Caffiene. Baseball. Pills. I think that's it. :)

Stacey said...

Pill Popper? Yes unfortunately I have become one of those as well, but not by choice. Go purple pill, tums, naproxen, and food enzymes.